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Top CRM Leads System
to Boost Conversion
by 75%

Easily track prospect opportunities to maximize company profits with Lead Management System ScaleOcean.
scaleocean crm lead management system
convert prospects with crm leads scaleocean

Track, Nurture, and Convert Prospects with CRM Leads ScaleOcean!

Get the Benefits of CRM Lead Management ScaleOcean

A system designed to manage leads efficiently.
maximized conversion with scaleocean crm lead

Identify Potential Leads

Save time and effort in handling prospects
Track lead behavior, such as website visits, email interactions, and other actions.
Identify the most interested prospects ready to be contacted.
Automatic notifications for follow-ups.
Easily create and send special offers.
features for crm lead management software

Advanced & Comprehensive Features for CRM Lead Management Software

reservation management

Reservation Management

Efficiently manage scheduling tasks related to leads, such as arranging meetings, product demos, or consultations. It ensures that there are no overlapping schedules.
calemdar view

Calendar View

Visualize and manage their lead-related appointments, tasks, and other activities in a single consolidated view. It provides quick access to scheduled meetings and events.
lead capture and scoring

Lead Capture & Scoring

Capture lead information through various channels such as website forms, registrations, or others, This helps prioritize leads with higher probabilities.
contact management

Contact Management

Centralizes and organizes all lead-related information, includes details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other relevant contact information.
inteaction tracing

Interaction Tracking

Record communication activities, like emails, phone calls, meetings, or messages exchanged during the lead nurturing process. Tailor effective communication based on the needs of leads.
integrated communication

Integrated Communication

Integrating various communication channels, such as WhatsApp, Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, and others. Enables seamless and centralized communication.

lead management reinforced hospitality industry Hospitality

lead management reinforced retail industry Retail

lead management reinforced rental industry Rental

lead management reinforced fnb industry Food & Beverage

Industries Reinforced by Our Best Lead Management System

Our Leads Management powers success across sectors, driving productivity and innovation. Enhancing industries with robust solutions.
integrate lead management software

Integrate your

Lead Management Software!

Discover ERP solutions that can maximize your conversions.
online crm

Online CRM

Gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns by combining lead data with CRM.
sales management

Sales Management

Get higher conversion rates and increased revenue. Identify high-potential leads, prioritize efforts, and implement effective follow-up strategies.


Provide personalized support to leads and customers. Resolve inquiries or issues more effectively fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty.
revenue management

Revenue Management

Optimize pricing strategies for leads, offering competitive rates while maximizing profitability. Accurately predict future sales and revenue streams.


ScaleOcean provides tailored solutions that fit your company's needs and become your
best business partner. Trusted by more than 100 companies in Indonesia and
scalable infrastructure
unlimited user
secure and protected
local and cloud deployment

Our Clients Testimonial

Trusted by 100+ Companies in Indonesia & Singapore

Manage Schedule, Contact, and Follow-ups Easily from a Single CRM Leads ScaleOcean

How does CRM Sales Lead Management ScaleOcean help improve conversions?
Does CRM Lead Management System ScaleOcean offer high scalability and flexibility?
Can Lead Management Software ScaleOcean ensure customer data security?
Can CRM Leads ScaleOcean be integrated with other applications?
frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Call Us: +62 877 8892 0001
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ScaleOcean is a professional firm that offers outstanding consultancy services on customizable ERP